What Land of Leadale Character Are You?
Who says reading is boring? When you have a novel like “In the Land of Leadale”, a hot bowl of ramen, and rainy weather then what else do you want from life. This is absolute happiness and the one that we lack in our lives. What we have prioritized in our daily routine is work but you must realize that no money can buy you the happiness you deserve. If you have read In the Land of Leadale light novel then you know what we are talking about!
This light novel entails highly precious concepts of morality and happiness. While you read it, we bet your eyes would have tears after reading the story and you would feel the courage that is transmitted through the characters. While you read it, you try to compare yourself with one of the In the Land of Leadale novel characters. But, did you become successful or you are still confused about what Leadale character are you? Hahaha, no worries if you are still in the thought process. The In the Land of Leadale Quiz is here to help you out so that you are completely sure about which Leadale character do you kin?

In the Land of Leadale - Crunchyroll
Of course, we would never spoil the complete story of In the Land of Leadale novel but we would attract you with the basic plotline (because it is worth reading!). In the land of Leadale, we feel the main character named Keina Kagami is just next to us; suffering from the curse of paralysis. The sympathy by readers is genuine as she is only 17 years old and the girl whose life was confined to a single room in the hospital and is expected to stay this way forever.
However, her parents let her involve in an MMORPG “In the Land of Leadale” which brings a new spirit to her and Keina feels the freedom in her character “Cayna”. A few days pass and Keina becomes better at it. Suddenly, a power failure occurs and all the artificial support to her feeble body gets disconnected and also separates her body from the soul resulting in her death. SURPRISINGLY, she is seen to be alive, not in the real world but in the Land of Leadale. She is seen to be in the body of Cayna with no connection to her life as Keina.
After analyzing all the scenarios, Cayna assesses that she is stuck in the game along with some other humans from the earth. Moreover, almost two hundred years have passed and she has three kids to grow. The matters have become more intense than ever with the new three kingdoms named Helshper, Felskeilo, and Otaloquess. She needs to keep herself and her kids safe and fight to save the ones who are stuck in the game as her.
There are numerous admirable characters in In the Land of Leadale but you must be in search of the strongest characters of In the Land of Leadale. You are lucky because the best characters have been listed below.

In the Land of Leadale - Crunchyroll
Skargo is the Holy Magic king and has made his mother Cayna proud with his abilities. He is tall, handsome, and powerful. Plus, Skargo is a talented and passionate young boy who loves to dive deep into the sea of knowledge. This is the reason how he entered the public service sector of Leadale.
His skills Holy magic Recovery, Purification Magic, Poison Purification, Movement Up, Flight Magic, and telepathy not only made him the priest of the highest rank but also helped to save his mother and siblings countless times. Whenever we ask any girl who would you have as kin in this novel, they wish for Skargo. Answer the In the Land of Leadale Kin Quiz to find your kin!
Cayna is also known as Keina Kagami (in the real world). She is a beautiful elf in the world of Leadale. No one is as attractive as her. Cayna’s blue eyes and short blonde hair are parts of her signature look. She’s one of those protagonists who are the savior of all. Cayna is absolutely amazing when it comes to her skills and abilities. Her most notable powers are White light, Cleanse, Predator's Smirk, Purification Magic, Paralysis, Torrential Bullet Wave Qua Drohga, and Laguna Vala Giga.
There are perplexing responsibilities on the shoulders of Cayna and this is why she needs to stay alert to all the enemies. Each one is stronger than the other. Her mighty weapons are Zanzer Blade, Cracking Earth Hammer, Slicer, and Fire Blade. In a nutshell, Cayna is the last hope in the land of Leadale like her kin Wakako Zeke (about food:)
Many lives were disrupted during the time when seven tribes fought the war. Though the three kingdoms are powerful but their lust for more has taken many lives. Among them, Luka’s family is one. She is a cute little girl who has seen massive bloodshed at such young age. Luka’s dark and truthful eyes are what melted Cayna’s heart and she adopted her as a daughter.
Luka belongs to the Felskeilo fishing village and she helped Cayna in fighting evil there. Due to her depressive life, Luka stays quiet most of the time and is very shy in speaking about her needs and wishes.
There are some characters whom we can’t love and neither can we hate them. One of them is Opus! He is an evil demon with purple skin (in the novel), pointy horns, Red vicious eyes, and sharp fangs. He is the one who has been in the game as an elf to fix every error and problem in the game. Cayna is with him because of his immense knowledge of the game. She believes that Opus is the only way to find the way out.
On the other hand, Opus teaches Cayna according to her need but is a horrible instructor as he is pretty rude and proud.
The answer to this question lies in the result of In the Land of Leadale Test so hurry up. If you won’t then maybe some other fan of Leadale might claim him/her!
The wait is over and the questions are set in the Land of Leadale Trivia. Your fate would decide which Leadale character are you most like? Good luck.