This privacy policy of the website (hereinafter referred to as the “Privacy Policy”) sets out the conditions of using the service rendered by the Administrator by electronic means through the telecommunications network at the address
For Cookies- Please refer to Cookie Policy
Administrator –
Quizzes Service – the service described in Section 1 of the Privacy Policy, rendered by the Administrator by electronic means
User – any party using the Weeb Quiz Service
Website– the Internet application hosted at
Quizzes Service – the service described in Section 1 of the Privacy Policy, rendered by the Administrator by electronic means
User – any party using the Weeb Quiz Service
Website– the Internet application hosted at
Terms and Conditions- Please refer to Terms of Use
Copyright and Fair Use- Please refer to Copyright and Fair Use Policy
I. General provisions
- This Privacy Policy governs the process of rendering the Weeb Quiz Service and the use of the webpage by the Users.
- The Administrator of personal data, if they are collected through the webpage.
- The Weeb Quiz Service consists in enabling the Users to make full use of the webpage, that is by filling out the quizzes posted by the Administrator and optionally sharing the results through the on the User’s Facebook account.
- The minimal technical requirements for using the Weeb Quiz Service are as follows:
- Internal access;
- Device with an installed browser.
- If rendering the Weeb Quiz Service requires processing personal data of parties using the, said data is processed in accordance with the Personal Data Protection Act of 29 August 1997 (Dz. U [Journal of Laws] 1997, issue 133, item 883, as amended; hereinafter referred to as the “PDPA) and the Act on Rendering Electronic Services of 18 August 2002 (Dz. U [Journal of Laws] 2002, issue 144, item 1204, as amended).
- The Administrator exercises special diligence in order to protect the interests of parties whom the data concerns, and in particular ensures that data collected by him/her is processed in accordance with the law; is collected for specified, lawful purposes and is not subject to further processing that would contradict such purposes; is correct as to facts and adequate in view of the purposes for which such data is processed, as well as stored in such a way as to allow for identification of parties whom the data concerns, but in any case no longer than what is required for the accomplishment of the purpose of such processing.
II. Data processing
- The Administrator collects the personal data of the Users for the following purposes:
- Rendering the Weeb Quiz Service by the Administrator;
- Direct marketing of products or services of the Administrator, subject to a possibility to conduct marketing of third party products or services.
- The Administrator may process the personal data of the Users with regard to data obtained via cookie files (to the extent in which they may constitute personal data) as well data acquired through the Facebook social networking service, that is the avatar and names of the Users.
- The Administrator may obtain the personal data of the Users directly from the Facebook social networking service if the User is interested in sharing the results of a quiz on said website or has liked the Weeb Quiz fanpage. In such a case, obtaining said data is necessary for using the Weeb Quiz Service in the aforementioned way.
- In general, the processing personal data of the Users is meant to enable the Users to use the Weeb Quiz Service. If the data is processed for the purpose of direct marketing concerning the Administrator’s proprietary products or services, such processing is meant to fulfill legally justified purposes that are pursued by the Administrator (according to Article 23 (4) of the PDPA, legally justified purposes include in particular direct marketing of the Administrator’s proprietary products or services).
- The Administrator may publish commercial information on the webpage, along with banners and links to other webpages and other Internet sites. By using a banner or link, the User is transferred to a webpage held by another owner, who is fully liable for the content thereof as well as the processing personal data of visitors.
- The Administrator has entrusted the personal data processing to, LLC 14455 N. Hayden Rd, Ste. 226 Scottsdale, AZ 85260 and Amazon Web Services, Inc. 410 Terry Ave North Seattle , WA 98109-5210.
III. Right to control, access and correct own data
- The User is entitled to control, access and correct own data.
- Each party is entitled to control the processing of data concerning such party that are contained in the Administrator’s data set, and in particular to request that the personal data be completed, updated, and corrected, that its processing be temporarily or permanently suspended, or that it be removed, provided that such data is incomplete, outdated or incorrect, was collected in violation of the law or is no longer needed with regard to the accomplishment of the purpose for which it was collected.
- In order to exercise the aforementioned rights, the Administrator may be contacted by regular mail.
IV. Copyright of the Administrator
- All materials, visuals, along with their layout, trademarks and other information that are available at the webpage are subject to exclusive rights of the Author, except for content acquired from the Shutterstock website.
- Downloading or using content that is available at the webpage requires consent of the Administrator.
- Any use, by any party, of any piece of content included in the webpage without obtaining explicit written consent from the Administrator constitutes a violation of copyright held by the Administrator and entails liability under civil and penal law.
- Downloading content may not violate the Privacy Policy, generally applicable law or the Administrator’s interests.
- All visuals, technical features and other parts of the webpage, in particular HTML and XHTML codes, CSS sheets, JavaScript scripts and multimedia links are protected by the Administrator’s copyright.
- Without prejudice to the provision of Paragraph 4 above, all content uploaded to the webpage is protected by copyright and owned by the Administrator. The User is fully liable for damage done to the Administrator that results from using any piece of content without the Administrator’s consent.
- Without prejudice to the provisions contained in this section, if the User makes use of the feature for sharing the results of a quiz through the webpage on the User’s account in the Facebook social networking service, the Administrator authorizes the User to make use of the content of the webpage and the results of the quiz from the time of their sharing, solely to the extent required for sharing the results of the quiz in the Facebook networking service.
V. Users
- Visiting and using the Weeb Quiz webpage means that the User has accepted the Privacy Policy.
- Viewing the Privacy Policy is possible by clicking the relevant link that appears on the
- The User is obliged to comply with the provisions of the Privacy Policy, and in particular to use the according to its purpose and applicable law.
- The User’s actions with regard to the use of the Weeb Quiz Service shall be in line with the Privacy Policy, applicable law and established customs.
VI. Responsibility
- The Administrator is responsible for the appropriate operations of the website and its features.
- The Administrator may not be held responsible for any actions performed by the Users with regard to the webpage and their use of the Weeb Quiz Service.
- The service provider is not responsible for the effectiveness of actions performed by the User with the use of the Weeb Quiz Service if such actions did not result from wrong or harmful operations of the Weeb Quiz Service or the webpage.
- It is forbidden to undertake actions that actually or potentially hinder or prevent the appropriate functioning of the webpage and the Weeb Quiz Service. The preceding sentence applies accordingly to an action that is actually or potentially to the detriment of the Administrator, in particular to the Administrator’s goodwill and reputation.
- The User is exclusively and personally liable for using the webpage in a manner that is illegal and inconsistent with the Privacy Policy, which includes liability under penal and civil law.
- The Administrator is not responsible for the manner, quality and frequency in which fixed-line and cellular operators as well as Internet providers run their services.
VII. Changes to the Privacy Policy
The Administrator may change the Privacy Policy and the manner in which the Weeb Quiz Service is provided if at least one of the following important circumstances occurs:
- Change to applicable law that governs the operations of the Administrator.
- Need to adjust the Privacy Policy to applicable law or to make editorial modifications in the wording thereof.
- Change to the manner in which the webpage or the Weeb Quiz Service are run and operated if such a change results from technological or technical factors that are objective and beyond control.
- Change to the conditions of use concerning the webpage and the Weeb Quiz Service if such a change does not deteriorate the Users’ current standing.
- Need to update the Administrator’s data specified in the Privacy Policy.
VIII. Final provisions
- The Website may include links to other webpages. The Administrator recommends viewing the relevant privacy policies also after being transferred to other webpages. This Privacy Policy applies solely to the webpage and rendering of the Weeb Quiz Service.
- The Administrator employs technical and organizational means that ensure the protection of processed personal data according to the risks and the categories of protected data, and in particular safeguards such data from access or removal by unauthorized parties, processing that violates applicable law as well as from modification, loss, damage or destruction.
- The Administrator shares technical means accordingly in order to prevent unauthorized parties from accessing and modifying data that is sent electronically.
- Matters not provided for in this Privacy Policy are determined according to the Civil Code of 23 April 1964 (Journal of Laws 1964, issue 16, item 93, as amended).
- Contact with regard to support and technical assistance is made by sending e-mail to the address:
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