Dragon Ball Super Super Hero Quiz – Which DBSSH Character Are You?

Which Dragon Ball Super Super Hero Character Are You Quiz

Ready for some Dragon Ball fun? Check the Dragon Ball Super Super Hero Quiz. Unveil which Dragon Ball Super Super Hero character are you.


As the movie begins, we find Magenta devising a devastating plan which can probably cause havoc. He manipulated Dr. Gero's grandson, Dr. Hedo, in order to create Red Ribbon Army. There is no one who can lead a force enough to take down Capsule Corp and the Z-Fighters. It was obviously easy for Magenta to turn things in his favor because our heroes are busy with something else. Goku, Piccolo, Vegeta, and Gohan are on the planet Beerus. They are all training in order to be more accurate in their skills and persist against evil. While they all are enjoying some fun time during all the training, Piccolo is attacked by one of the Red Ribbon soldiers. To be honest, it was arduous for him to save his life and so he acts as if dead. With that, he attacks again and the soldier is down in no time. From here, Piccolo begins to search for the one who dared to vanquish him.

Dragon Ball Super: Super Hero Quiz

Dragon Ball Super: Super Hero - Toei Animation

Piccolo disguises himself as a Red Army soldier and goes inside to find out more about the plan. He soon recognizes Hedo and connects the dots of his strategy. He has obviously used His grandfather’s technology in Cell in order to transform him into Cell Max. Leaving the place, Piccolo relays the knowledge to Bulma in order to warn all. Of course, they immediately try to contact Gohan, Goku, and others but they realize it would take time. In the meanwhile, Piccolo asks Dende to power up the Dragon Balls so that he can be in his best form before the next attack. Shenron can help him with his wish and Piccolo realizes that he needs it before it’s too late. While Piccolo works on his powers, no one could reach Goku and others and another bad news arrives. Piccolo learns that Magenta would soon get his hands over Pan to reach Gohan. Guess what? Piccolo disguises himself again and reaches Pan before them. Gohan awakes his Saiyan to deal with the ones who are hungry to be defeated.

Watch Dragon Ball Super: Super Hero if you want to know what happens next!


Which DBSSH Character Are You

Dragon Ball Super: Super Hero Characters - Toei Animation


Piccolo is a man who is a mighty Namekian. Just ignoring his presence can be a stupid thing. The ones who fight him are actually insane because the end result is always death. Piccolo may have turned into a hero but he still isn’t that sweet. We cannot underestimate his powers and abilities because this green goblin is a deadly machine if he is angry. You are a little hyper like Piccolo too, but you are always vigilant about your decisions and think about all rather than your own self. However, problems do arise because of your anger issues. Still, you try to get over things either by ignoring or by correcting them.


Piccolo - Dragon Ball Super: Super Hero


Gohan is the son of Goku and no matter how many times he has failed to reach his father’s strength. He will be more capable than his father one day! At first, his Saiyan powers weren’t responding to him as they should have. Now, the case is different because Gohan has evolved and Magenta has no idea. Through Pan, Magenta is eager to trap Gohan but this wouldn’t be that facile. You are determined and a little crazy like Gohan because you wish to prove your dominance to all. This is obviously challenging but you can do this!


Gohan - Dragon Ball Super: Super Hero


Are you curious about what Dragon Ball Super: Super Hero character are you? You are Goku and we can prove it! Like him, you are full of surprises and keep on trying to bring positive changes in yourself. This is definitely worth noticing but very few people realize this fact. Goku possesses Ultra Instinct which always begets a new kind of ability that helps to beat the new villain. What has Goku not seen in life? Planet-Eater Moro, Granolah, and the Heeter Force's Gas, and many other challenges, still our hero stands strong. Similarly, no tough thing can bring you down.


Goku - Dragon Ball Super: Super Hero


Vegeta is someone whose powers and abilities make him the best sidekick Goku could have. He’s always there to assist and bring peace to the planets with his team. In the past years, Vegeta’s powers and he himself have altered in many phases. He isn’t like he used to be, instead, Vegeta is more capable and truly agonizing for all his enemies. Time and fate have also transformed you over the course and thankfully most of them are positive changes.


Vegeta - Dragon Ball Super: Super Hero

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Now is the chance to know which Dragon Ball Super: Super Hero character are you most like. This can be made easy with the Dragon Ball Super: Super Hero Test as you don’t need to do it the hard way. Just answer 15 questions and you’ll know.