The Ultimate One Punch Man Quiz
Who says that a hero needs to be perfect? In the world of anime, we get to see new plots having protagonists and particularly heroes that have outstanding abilities, looks, and skills. But we also get to observe numerous heroes who aren’t that perfect and also make mistakes. Most of all, they learn from those mistakes!
Today, we are here with the One Punch Man Test, the story of a “hero” who is not like others we have ever seen or heard before. The One Punch Man Trivia Quiz has been specially made for you. Yes, you! Because you believe that you are the biggest fan of the One Punch Man anime! It is to check how well do you know One Punch Man? Take this OPM trivia quiz to prove your One Punch Man knowledge now!
All set for the Mightiest One Punch Man Kin Test? Haha, we just saw the sweat beads on your forehead!!! No need to be that tense! Okay, let us help you out in this as well…
Here, we have jotted down all the major arcs of One Punch Man anime. Read them out before entering the One Punch Man Kin Quiz. This would make things much easier for you…

One Punch Man - Netflix / ONE
The plot of One Punch Man inculcates an ordinary boy named Saitama. Honestly, the whole story revolves around him and his powers. Saitama was a young boy living in a world where most humans had some superpower. So basically, all are heroes in the world but Saitama was the normal kid with no powers. This thing always infuriated him and so, he decided to make himself the strongest man on earth.
By working out day and night, Saitama developed outstanding stamina and power that could knock out anybody. You can ideate his level of workout by the fact that he lost all his hair due to the intense training he did. Afterward, he began to fight with villains and monsters but got notorious due to his “One Punch”.
Saitama had the power to kill any monster or enemy with a single punch. So, in order to save the day, all he had to do was throw a punch! The things became boring for Saitama and the adrenaline rush that he used to feel before was nowhere to be found now. Saitama felt that life had become useless, hollow, and exhausting. He wished to find an enemy who could fight him and bear his punch.
Our tired hero then meets Genos a cyborg. Genos wanted Saitama to be his mentor so that he could avenge the murder of his family. Afterward, both decided to join “The Heroes Association”. This association had the greatest heroes of all time. The initial failure of Saitama was a setback for him as he couldn’t get enough marks in the written exam to be among the highest ranked heroes. He thought that his life finally has some spice; however, he never knew that peace would not be felt by him for very long… It's quite similar to MHA quiz right?
How much do you know about the One Punch Man story further? Do you remember what happened next? Well, similar to the Heroes Association was the “Monsters Association”! Its sole purpose was to track and eradicate every hero from the world. The oldest hero in the association, Shibabawa with the help of his superpowers sights that the world would soon be invaded by monsters. In order to halt the planet from reaching such a catastrophe, a hero meeting was called up. We know the battles with aliens of Boros army and Garo’s monsters are still in your mind. So let’s move ahead!!!
We took you into the imaginative world where Saitama lived, but do you know the characters of One Punch Man? Do you have any idea about which One Punch Man character are you most like? For now, we are going to state interesting things about the major characters in the anime. But, if you wish to find out your character in the anime then try the What One Punch Man Character Are You Quiz!
Saitama always wished for the respect and excitement that all other heroes enjoyed. Even after joining the Heroes Association things were not like he truly imagined. There, he was given the title of “Caped Baldy”! Other than this, Saitama was discovered to be an optimistic and insightful hero who always rightly predicted the things to have happened in the future though nobody took him seriously.
Moreover, he had passion in him and so worked hard to achieve his goals. Although, our hero isn’t perfect but we adore his flaws. For instance, he hated detailed explanations and became furious whenever someone tried to give one. No doubt he is unique and one of his kind!!!
King was sort of the “King of the Heroes Association”. He exercised supreme powers there. Initially, we all thought that he was something great with impeccable and matchless powers, but this was certainly not the case. Basically, King was no more than a normal and ordinary human who took all the credit for Saitama’s success and became the KING!
He has a pretentious nature and portrays that he is the best in the world, however, vice versa is the case. But, we must say that he was quite intelligent as he had brought many enemies on their knees without even moving a finger just by sharing fake past stories. These worked well and the greatest villains surrendered to him (Hahaha!)
The One Punch Man Quiz is ready to bring you down on your knees, but the thing is are you ready for the fight? Then let’s roll and see who wins in the Battle of Quiz!!!