The Last Summoner Quiz – Which The Last Summoner Character Are You?

Which The Last Summoner Character Are You Quiz

Can you smell yum ramen? Wanna eat? First, take the best ever The Last Summoner Quiz and check which The Last Summoner character are you.


The Last Summoner is a Chinese manga named Zui Hou De Zhao Huan Shi. This one has been one of the most anticipated ones as horror, action, romance, and friendship all lie on one plate. Released in the last quarter of 2022, The Last Summoner is all we thought it would be. Surprisingly, the story of The Last Summoner initiates with something delicious, RAMEN! Yes, a boy named A jie makes his favorite ramen, and out of nowhere, he sights a silhouette. It’s a girl and it’s not someone who seems normal. The girl is none other than Dora and she is a spirit. The one who was sleeping for hundreds of years. Do you know what made her wake? It’s a long story…

The Last Summoner Quiz

The Last Summoner - ASK Animation Studio

She is a 3,000,000 spirit and was on her way to find out what happened. Out of a sudden, she is struck by something that can be called by what is love at first sight. Do you know what made Dora stop? It was a yummilicious ramen and Dora was ready to give her life for it. In an instant, Dora offers herself as a companion to A jie. The one who’d forever be of help to him. Of course, what could a timid and shy guy would have said? From here the anime picks up pace and Ajie realizes that things aren’t as simple as they seem. Eventually, he feels that his life is connected to the spirit world in one way or another. Maybe you belong to the same life as well. Who can tell what The Last Summoner character are you? Why don’t you try the accurate The Last Summoner Quiz!


Which The Last Summoner Character Are You

The Last Summoner Characters - ASK Animation Studio


Dora is a three million years old spirit and The Last Summoner – Weeb Quiz has perceived you are very much like her! Of course, you won’t live for this long (no one can!) but you are always energy just like Dora. She owns an energy saving mode that drives her with the help of loli. You are always hungry for delicious snacks and it is very much what Dora does. Her all-time favorite sentence is “I’m hungry again!”.

Don’t you crave ramen too? Dora is always ready to have A jie’s ramen and whatever she has her hands on. Life has been back in her control after so long. She lost everything and now, she won’t let it happen again. You also never repeat your mistakes and try to cover your flaws.


Dora - The Last Summoner

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A jie

What did the guy even do? Made a bowl of ramen, right! What the hell is wrong with that? But still, this attracted a spirit named Dora to his life. Never did A jie that his life would take a turn like this one. To be honest, you also do your best not to stick to anything that might bring problems along. That’s what A jie did! However, Dora committed herself to him as a slave and we know she’s no one ordinary.

You are just as shy from life as A jie is. It is a good thing that you prefer a trouble-free life but man, this isn’t possible no matter how hard you dig! You might not be a big fan of luck and fate but it has a huge influence on you.

A jie

A jie - The Last Summoner


Hana is a part of the Watcher’s Alliance Organization and never does anything that doesn’t align with her mission. Her presence on Earth is linked to her goals and this is something that she doesn’t reveal. In her mind, a world twirls and we know you also are an overthinker. Hana isn’t shy but doesn’t like to open up to anyone whom she doubts.

You are hard to crack just like Hana. You can be a little moody and stubborn at times and you can do things that are really stupid. Hopefully, you aren’t as arrogant and summon human-eating plants for your foes.


Hana - The Last Summoner


Sitan is a strange, weird, open-hearted, and a bit cranky girl. She is always ready to come into action and hit the world with her astonishing powers. There is so much that has to be detailed about Sitan. This girl is really high when she’s given any responsibility. Everyone can trust her loyalty without any doubt.

Like you, Sitan loves tech and its several uses. She is always eager to create things out of nothing. Well, she has some over-the-board abilities like electronic manipulation. You have your own perks and have firm faith in yourself. It’s your confidence that has brought you so far.


Sitan - The Last Summoner


Whatever you desire, all matters can be solved in minutes…

Are You An Emotional Freak?

Look, the ones who cannot handle their emotions and tears need loyal and cooperative friends. Are you in search of ones like that? Maybe you should try The Last Summoner Kin Quiz. It has the psychic powers to unveil which The Last Summoner character do you kin.

You’d Rather Fall In Love?

Are you someone for whom love is the panacea? We can figure things out for you if you want but you’ll have to put up your part too. Take The Last Summoner Soulmate Quiz and roll into a fictitious world. Look at you can be the love of your life if you were really a part of The Last Summoner. Reveal which The Last Summoner character would date you ASAP!


It is time that you find out who are you and which The Last Summoner character are you most like. Probably, you have now made up your mind to step into another world. Come on, no more wait is required. Click on START with The Last Summoner Quiz immediately.