The Kingdoms Of Ruin Quiz – Which Character Are You?

Which The Kingdoms Of Ruin Character Are You Quiz

Who are you? Which The Kingdoms of Ruin character are you? Do you wish to track your identity? Take the viral The Kingdoms of Ruin Quiz for it!


Yes, The Kingdoms of Ruin anime is based on a manga series that was released in 2020. The welcoming gesture of fans proved that the anime would be loved this much too. Hence, we now have the anime created by the Studio Yokohama Animation Lab, directed by Keitaro Motonaga. What are you waiting for? Go ahead and watch it on Crunchyroll.

The Kingdoms Of Ruin Quiz

The Kingdoms Of Ruin - Yokohama Animation Laboratory


Long before today, the world was completely different; or so the tale of The Kingdoms of Ruin says. The gods had sent witches and humans to be interdependent on each other and live peacefully in this world. This plan was followed for years and years as humans used the magic of witches and make their lives easier. However, when science entered the lives, the peace was disrupted. In many of the cases, humans felt that science could outdo magic so, they no longer needed the assistance of witches. With this goal in mind, the most prolific item was created with the help of science, named Gear Expansion. From then on, nothing remained the same!

The Redia Empire created an agenda of annihilating every witch on Earth so that only humans could rule with their power of science. They took the magic of witches as their competitor in the race of domination. Once the hunt began, there was no stopping it and we all watched the worst of humanity. Among the witches killed was Chloe who adopted a human boy Adonis. She was like a mother to him and Adonis remained loyal to her the last moment but couldn’t save her as she was just a little boy then. Now, he’s a grown-up guy and seeking revenge for Chloe. Adonis is not going to spare anyone, and his major target is the Redia Empire. Only time will tell if Adonis would rise as a victor or not but we can surely tell what The Kingdoms of Ruin character are you with the accurate The Kingdoms of Ruin Quiz.


Which Character Are You

The Kingdoms Of Ruin Characters - Yokohama Animation Laboratory


You take a creative and innovative approach to problem-solving. Like Adonis, you're driven by a deep desire for harmony and peace. You actively look for ways to resolve disputes and cherish situations where people can coexist in harmony. You probably develop strong emotional connections with those who are close to you. You have a strong sense of connection and loyalty in your relationships.


Adonis - The Kingdoms Of Ruin


Doroka's attempt to avoid being a burden shows a sense of responsibility and empathy for others. By making a conscious effort to improve your surroundings and relationships, you exhibit this quality in others. You really are a kind and compassionate person. You probably think other people's welfare is important and act with kindness. You have a positive attitude and a lively, upbeat manner. You fuel your conversations and endeavors with zeal. Doroka exhibits resilience and optimism by being able to keep a positive attitude despite difficult circumstances. You too have this quality of finding brightness and hope in the midst of adversity. With a strong sense of justice and a desire for harmony, Doroka believes that the cycle of hatred must end and that peace between humans and witches must be fostered.


Doroka - The Kingdoms Of Ruin

Let’s join fun with the Frieren Beyond Journey's End Quiz. With the quiz, search which Frieren Beyond Journey's End character are you.


Your mix of mischievousness, awkwardness, kindness, and a sincere wish for everyone's well-being presents an image of someone who makes people happy and uplifted in their interactions. You seem like a nice, well-rounded person because of your playful side as well as your thoughtful, caring attitude. Your playful and mischievous side is an indication of your playful nature. You seem to be spontaneous, humorous and have a carefree outlook on life. Your self-description as kind suggests that you have a sympathetic and thoughtful side. You probably put other people's emotions and welfare first, which strengthens your bonds with them. Your wish for everyone's best interests points to a giving and selfless viewpoint. You get satisfaction from producing good results or assisting others in succeeding.


Ophelia - The Kingdoms Of Ruin

Chloe Morgan

You are a person with a caring and considerate side in addition to being brave and determined. Your gentle approach temper your fearlessness, resulting in a special combination of kindness and strength. Your drive and confidence probably influence your ability to succeed in various activities and pursue goals with determination. Self-assurance is a potent attribute that has the potential to improve every aspect of your life. Your poise and assurance indicate your confidence in your skills and readiness to face challenges head-on. You have a focused and determined mindset as you set goals for yourself and work hard to achieve them. Your bravery conveys a readiness to take chances, meet obstacles head-on, and go into uncharted territory.

Chloe Morgan

Chloe Morgan - The Kingdoms Of Ruin


Are you trying to guess whose side would you be if you were in the story? Well, this may be a tough question for your brain, but our The Kingdoms of Ruin Kin Quiz has been trained for this. Within a few minutes, you’ll know who would you support in The Kingdoms of Ruin anime. Fasten your seatbelt to digest the answer.


The world has totally been corrupted and we really hope that you turn out to be one of the saviors after The Kingdoms of Ruin Character Quiz. Humanity really needs one at the moment! Hope you are also excited to reveal which The Kingdoms of Ruin character are you most like.