Which Sugar Apple Fairy Character Are You Quiz
Need help in tracking which Sugar Apple Fairy Tale character are you? No issues, answer the accurate Sugar Apple Fairy Tale Quiz, now!
Fairies were living their greatest lives in the Highlands, but then people started to ignore them. The person who still holds a fairy's wing can rule over it if it loses one. The fairies were used as a tool by cunning humans to carry out their will. What's this, though? A 15-year-old girl with great goals, Ann Halford, isn't just going with the flow. A world in which fairies and people are treated equally is what she is all about. Like her mother, who was an expert confectioner, Ann aspires to become a Silver Sugar Master. She is now traveling to Lewiston, the nation's capital, where an important sugar party is held annually. But there's a catch: Ann can't officially become a Silver Sugar Master until her confection of sweet silver wins a special medal at the banquet.

Sugar Apple Fairy Tale - J.C.Staff
Ann now has a fantastic fairy companion named Challe Fen Challe with her on this expedition. He is a tough cookie with a wit and tongue that are both razor-sharp. Ann swears to return Challe's wing, which a nasty fairy salesman stole. Challe is perplexed by this promise. As they continue their adventure, they get closer as friends and discover more about one another and what they truly desire from life. Prepare yourself for an adventure chock-full of kindness, friendship, and unexpected surprises! Oh, there is one more surprise for you. You can find out what Sugar Apple Fairy Tale character are you.
Not once, but twice, they've adapted Miri Mikawa's fantastic light novel series into a manga. And now, we have the awesome anime! It's a really exciting time to start digging into the details of this anime. The narrative itself reads like a really fantastic experience about maturing and falling in love. Everything revolves around Anne and her great aspiration to become a Silver Sugar Master. However, there is a catch: she is also juggling her soft feelings for Challe.
Despite being quite different from one another, these two work well together. Being young and impulsive, Anne can be vulnerable to deceit from the people she meets, including her friend and rival Jonas and even some fairy friends. Challe, on the other hand, has a troubled past and tends to be pessimistic. He's been mistreated by people and has some dark secrets about his past. Even though their voyage has only just begun, Anne and Challe both undergo significant personal and friendship transformations. They frequently clash because they are so dissimilar, but that is all part of the fun! So, you shouldn’t miss Sugar Apple Fairy Tale as this anime is making quite a sound among fans.
If you have watched the anime and still haven’t answered the KamiKatsu Working for God in a Godless World Quiz then you live under a rock!

Sugar Apple Fairy Tale Characters - J.C.Staff
Anne Halford
You and Anne appear to share the same viewpoint regarding the possibility of friendship between humans and fairies. We can see you have a warm personality and are approachable with all kinds of individuals. You get along with everyone because you have a highly compassionate and kind heart. Plus, you care deeply about justice and making things fair for everyone, just like Anne does.
Like Anne, you are also a person who is trying to better themselves. She picks up knowledge from the various people she encounters, and you're always eager to pick up new knowledge and improve at topics that interest you. Your personal development is parallel to hers. And, you love sweet treats and this makes you more like Anne (now smile!).

Anne Halford - Sugar Apple Fairy Tale
Challe Fen Challe
You have a strong protective instinct and are always willing to defend the interests of the people you care about. And, you're a loyal person, much like Challe and Elizabeth used to be very close. Guess what? You might have a fun and witty persona, just like Challe, who has a cheeky side where he likes to tease people. It's similar to injecting a little humor into your social interactions.
Challe has experiences that make him cautious around people, and you might exercise some caution when meeting new individuals as well. However, just as Challe began to believe Anne, you're open to forming cool relationships with people who are actually kind and understanding. But, people should be scared of your anger and fury too. Oh yes, find out which Sugar Apple Fairy Tale character would date you with the Sugar Apple Fairy Tale Date Quiz.

Challe Fen Challe - Sugar Apple Fairy Tale
Mithril Lid Pod
Considering who you are and your personality, you have certain traits that align with Mithril Lid Pod. You truly understand how to appreciate assistance, just like Mithril did. Despite his dislike of people, Mithril decided to make friends with Anne. Similar to how you are extremely nice about being open and forming connections with others even though you might occasionally have reservations or questions.
Like Mithril was Anne's traveling companion, you come across as an easy-going, charming friend. Mithril has a unique style in which he wears his wing like a scarf. It's possible that you too have distinct qualities of your own. Of course, everyone has their own peculiarities.

Mithril Lid Pod - Sugar Apple Fairy Tale
Alph Hingley
Given your character and personality, you and Alph Hingley share a few traits. You care deeply about being truthful and fair to others, just like Alph Hingley. It's evident that you and he share a strong belief in the value of skill and hard effort. You really appreciate the effort others put into their work. Alph Hingley has no problem apologizing and admitting his mistakes.
Well, you're also willing to accept accountability for your deeds and own up to any errors you may have made. Being sincere and lowly like him is the key. You have a strong sense of what is correct, and you are not afraid to speak up against injustice. In a similar vein, Alph Hingley might decide not to sell to some nasty customers. Also do check which character you kin with the Sugar Apple Fairy Tale Kin Quiz.

Alph Hingley - Sugar Apple Fairy Tale
Who’s asking you to wait when you have the “Sugar Apple Fairy Tale Character Quiz”? Go on and figure out which Sugar Apple Fairy Tale character are you most like.