Rent A Girlfriend Quiz – Which Rent A Girlfriend Character Are You?

Which Rent A Girlfriend Character Would Date You Quiz

If you're in search of a soulmate then try the Rent A Girlfriend Quiz. It would unveil which Rent a Girlfriend character would date you. Are you ready!!!


As you know, the anime series Rent a Girlfriend season 1 aired in the mid of 2020. All anime fans (including us) fell in love with this slice of life. After the successful first one, a second season was promised. We know how you feel as season 2 aired from July 2, 2022, to September 17, 2022. Don’t you think that this story should have continued forever? (Our thoughts are quite similar!). No need to be disheartened because (hold your heart) a third season was officially announced by the creators of Rent a Girlfriend! Yes, it’s true. The actual date and month haven’t been confirmed yet. But according to our sources, it’s sometime in late 2023 or early 2024.

Rent A Girlfriend Quiz

Rent A Girlfriend - TMS Entertainment


In season 1 of Rent a Girlfriend, we find ourselves weeping with Kazuya and struggling with Chizuru. In one of the initial scenes, Kazuya seems so happy. He smiles and hums for no reason but in actual, the reason is his love for Mami Nanami. She is his girlfriend of Kazuya for a month and he believes that she is the one whom he has been searching for a long. However, out of the blue, Mami reveals that she needs to break up as she is in love with someone else. This devastating news crushes the poor boy's heart and he can’t get over it. However, one thing clicks in his mind.

Kazuya finds a rental dating application on mobile and begins to form a plan. According to him, probably a fake girlfriend can help to take his mind off Mami. From the girls he picks Chizuru who is apparently smart, sweet, and decent. They got along so well in the very first meeting but one thing gets Kazuya off-road. Everyone commented so well on Chizuru’s wall. Kazuya believed that the girl is hypocritical and so left negative remarks and this made Chizuru ignite like lava. After that, the plot of the season begins with a different pace.

When season 2 of Rent a Girlfriend came into action, the relationship between Chizuru and was one step ahead. They begin to feel how similar their personalities are. Hysterically, both can’t speak up about their real feelings and keep on thinking that whatever they are doing is for the sake of friendship. When we begin to predict that the real romance is about to hit the screen, Mami enters again. She left her boyfriend and is thinking about returning to Kazuya. If you want to know who Kazuya chooses this time then watch Rent a Girlfriend.


If we ask you “Which Rent a Girlfriend character do you kin?” then what would be your answer? Ahh, you can’t make a choice, right? No problem, the Rent A Girlfriend Kin Quiz can be of great help in this. All you need to do is answer 15 fun questions!


Which Rent A Girlfriend Character Are You

Rent A Girlfriend Characters - TMS Entertainment

Kazuya Kinoshita

Kazuya is a guy who’s always looking out for more options. He believes that everything can be fixed accordingly if different ways are employed. This is the reason why he looked for a rental girlfriend, kept fake dating for his grandma, and so on. Here, we need to keep in mind that Kazuya is very sensitive and feels every alteration in behavior. You similar to him have a different dynamic for life. In fact, you often try to take control over most of matters because not everyone can satisfy you.

Kazuya Kinoshita

Kazuya Kinoshita - Rent A Girlfriend

Chizuru Ichinose

Chizuru is the waifu everybody is thinking about nowadays! She is someone who can’t be ignored at all. Why? She has the art to charm everyone around, it’s a quality that people rarely have. Chizuru can make everyone happy with her charismatic style and this is something that Kazuya likes about her. Her beauty and brain are a perfect combo for her goal to be an eminent actress. To be a star, Chizuru can do anything, and only for this, she works as a rental girlfriend. You are a compelling human and can do whatever you want. However, you need to be more confident in yourself.

Chizuru Ichinose

Chizuru Ichinose - Rent A Girlfriend

Mami Narami

You now can be sure about which Rent a Girlfriend character are you. Mami and you are quite alike! We cannot neglect the fact that Mami is opportunistic and she bends where she has benefits. This girl left a man who loved her more than anything. Then, Mami returned to him when she realized her decision was wrong and Kazuya was better. The way she tried to win Kazuya back is insane. You are also very stubborn. Once you decide, you stand on it whether it is a good way or a bad way.

Mami Narami

Mami Narami - Rent A Girlfriend

Ruka Sarashina

Ruka is the type of person who is more interested in finding the person who is sent by God. She believed that her heart would tell her. Hysterically, Kazuya was the one her heart chose and Ruka wanted him at any cause. She is an emotional girl, the one who turns crazy in a single minute. Ruka acts first and thinks afterward which links her to numerous problems. It can be said that Ruka can be pretty surprising and we end up laughing hard at her acts. You are a cool type of person. Your heart runs you steadily and you follow it no matter what.

Ruka Sarashina

Ruka Sarashina - Rent A Girlfriend

Do you have any idea which My Stepmom's Daughter Is My Ex character are you? If no then race your heart with the My Stepmom's Daughter Is My Ex Quiz!


Here is what you have been waiting for so long. Figure out which Rent a Girlfriend character are you most like. Are you excited about the Rent a Girlfriend Test? Let’s see what name you receive!