Insomniacs After School Quiz – Which Insomniacs After School Character Are You?

Which Kimi Wa Hokago Insomunia Character Are You Quiz

Shed off the fears and get along with all to discover which Insomniacs After School character are you. Take the best Insomniacs After School Quiz.


The night is for peace and serene sleep but this is not the case for all. Among many insomniacs in the world, the story of Kimi Wa Hokago Insomunia revolves around two of them. Ganta Nakami and Isaki Magari are insomniacs and hence are different from others. Being awake all night adds problems to their academic and social lives and there was nothing they could do to help. However, once the two bump into each other in the astronomy tower, their lives change. It was that moment when they both join the astronomy club and turn their boring and depressing nights into the best hours of their life. The story details how to manage when life throws lemons your way. Just make sure you prepare lemonade, but allow your friend/s to join too.

Insomniacs After School Quiz

Insomniacs After School - Liden Films


Explore this magical world where midnight hero and heroine, both with their own peculiarities, skills, and dreams, roam. Uncover the depths of your own kinship and allow your heart to lead you to the person whose soul connects to your own. All you require is the Insomniacs After School Kin Quiz and with it, you’ll know which Insomniacs After School character do you kin.


Immerse yourself in a tale of romance! Let your heart guide you to the Insomniacs After School character who would be the perfect companion on this extraordinary journey of love. Open your heart to the possibilities and walk on a quest to find the one who will awaken your deepest desires and make every moment a fairytale come true. Don’t hide behind and reveal which Insomniacs After School character would date you. Just keep in mind that you are one step away from the Insomniacs After School Date Quiz.


Which Insomniacs After School Character Are You

Insomniacs After School Characters - Liden Films

Ganta Nakami

You’re shy, insomniac, nerdy, and a bit confused, but oh, what a delightful combination! You may not be the first to jump into the limelight, but when you do, your thoughts are worth the wait. Social situations may sometimes make you feel like a deer caught in headlights or we can say get you perplexed. But, you try to handle everything with your wit and intellect. You are undoubtedly managing matters well. Your nights are spent exploring imagination, diving deep into the fascinating world of books, games, and other fun things. Who needs sleep when there’s a vast universe of knowledge and excitement to explore?

Remember to appreciate your unique blend of qualities. Keep observing the world around you, engaging in your favorite nerdy pursuits, and tackling the delightful confusion that life brings.

Ganta Nakami

Ganta Nakami - Insomniacs After School

Isaki Magari

Your infectious optimism brightens even the worst days, lifting the spirits of those around you. You draw people in and inspire them to join your adventurous activities. Speaking of adventures, you have an insatiable thirst for exploration and discovery. You have the soul of a true adventurer. And let’s not forget about your unique relationship with sleep. Ah, the night owl keeps you awake in the moonlit hours. While others may be snoozing away, you’re wide awake, fueled by your insomniac powers. It’s during these sleepless nights that you find solace in pursuing your passions and diving into creative activities.

But no matter how sleep-deprived you may be, your energy remains unwavering. There’s no limit to what you can achieve. So go forth, explore, and let yourself shine bright!

Isaki Magari

Isaki Magari - Insomniacs After School

Yui Shiromaru

Being introverted doesn’t mean you shy away from the world. Your introverted nature allows you to dive deep and observe people and phenomena around you. Your introversion allows you to appreciate the quieter moments, your kindness touches the lives of those around you. From books and movies to scientific theories and fantastical realms, you forget yourself in the wonders of them all. Your passion for all things nerdy shines in every conversation, making you an interesting storyteller and an endless source of fascinating information.

You are there for everyone at every moment. There’s never a moment when you reject help from anyone other than the ones who don’t deserve it. Never forget that you are a hero in your own way.

Yui Shiromaru

Yui Shiromaru - Insomniacs After School

The In/Spectre Quiz is here to help you too!

Motoko Kanikawa

You are someone with a heart of gold! You’re the kind of friend that everyone dreams of having by their side. Your unwavering loyalty and steadfast support make you a true rock in the lives of your loved ones. Through thick and thin, you’re there, offering a listening ear, a shoulder to lean on, and a comforting presence that brings solace to those in need.

Embrace your sweet, kind, and loyal nature, and continue to be the shining star that illuminates the lives of those lucky enough to call you a friend. You, our dear sweetheart, are a true gem of a friend!

Motoko Kanikawa

Motoko Kanikawa - Insomniacs After School


Now is the moment when the secrets would be unveiled and a new world would be uncovered. Do not waste a moment and click on START to reveal which Insomniacs After School character are you most like with the Kimi wa Hokago Insomunia Quiz.