How Well Do You Know The Witch From Mercury Quiz
How about a brain challenge with the Mobile Suit Gundam The Witch from Mercury Trivia Quiz? Score above 70% and prove your worth!
Are you pondering over whether to invest time in Mobile Suit Gundam: The Witch from Mercury anime or not? Well, if you won’t watch it then trust us, you’ll be missing out loads and something that no one should. Come on, join us on the journey which not only would we help you know how much you know about Mobile Suit Gundam: The Witch from Mercury but much much more. After that, you can decide whether to watch Gundam: The Witch from Mercury or not!

Gundam: The Witch From Mercury - Netflix
In a time when not only the earth but the entire universe has altered in many ways, wars are fought and many lives are wasted. Earth-borns and Space-borns have a more clashing relationship. Each one is trying to pursue a way through which they can be the mightiest in the solar system. In all this, the Vanadis Institute created "GUND" and has come up with a technology that has made sure to bring a huge revolution in the field. This technology connects with the human nervous system and controls glands and organs. At first, it was all beneficial but this all soon turned into a curse with the arrival of "GUND Format." This was something particularly the armed forces employed in their suits. It turned out to be more like an armored suit with a whole lot of power than there ever was. The repercussions were immediate as thousands of lives were lost and the count was not halting. Then, the Mobile Suit Development Council bans the creation and use of GUND in the armed forces. To eradicate this threat, the special forces team Dominicus was unleashed which killed all who weren’t ready to give up the project.
But, out of all those killed, two survived! Mobile suit test pilot Elnora Samaya and her 4-year-old daughter Ericht Samaya. However, the world knows nothing about these two as the years passed. Twenty years have passed since then, and the Vanadis incident is still in the corner of the minds of those who met the loss. Now, the story revolves around a teen named Suletta Mercury who has shifted from Mercury to the Asticassia School of Technology Institute. Everyone dies to be here thanks to the upgraded knowledge provided to her and the chance of a successful and settled future. Suletta wishes to be the best pilot in the world but wishes are enough. There has to be something that proves how passionate and capable you are. For Suletta to do that, she has to be the best too! Fate has planned things differently for Suletta as she has Gundam Aerial, the forbidden one in hand. What do you think would be the consequences of this all?
Gundam Aerial
The Escutcheon shield that Gundam Aerial possesses is extraordinarily vital for the life of its pilot. It’s as if the suit is female in its looks and made for the hands of Suletta. The suit has been upgraded with every technological advancement that has made it deadly for enemies. While piloting it, Suletta seems like ruling the world.

Gundam Aerial - Gundam: The Witch From Mercury
Gundam Pharact
If you find a Gundam with a sniper rifle and a beam saber then be sure that it’s Gundam Pharact. The first look of this machine fills the foes with terror and unrecognizable peril that moves their way. Yes, the Gundam Pharact has been designed in such a way and with such colors that it haunts the fields with its appearance. But, there is not much time to assess the next move when it comes to Gundam Pharact because it is lightning fast!

Gundam Pharact - Gundam: The Witch From Mercury
GUND format is thought to be the strongest thing when it comes to fighting, but Michaelis is different. Its systems are capable to turn the GUND format into ashes as it doesn’t work around when Michaelis is around. This system is popularly known as The Grassley Defense System specially designed for the Witch Hunters. You don’t need a beam saber or something when there is Beam Bracer in the hands of Michaelis. But, keep in mind that it cannot match the powers of witch hunters.

Michaelis - Gundam: The Witch From Mercury
Darilbalde – the red revenge machine! Vim Jeturk has given this machine to his son so he can fight and live to avenge the defeat at the hands of Suletta and Aerial. In times of battle, humans usually think pessimistically and make wrong decisions on the basis of that. However, Darilbalde is the Gundam which is run by AI hence, less chances of vanquishing and more chances of winning. The best part was the Isvara attack drones that were pretty hard for even Aerial to handle but nevertheless, no one could match its power. Still, everyone drools over Darilbalde.

Darilbalde - Gundam: The Witch From Mercury
Gundam Lfrith Ur
Do you remember Sophie Pulone and her Gundam Lfrith Ur? It was a machine that hardly anyone could forget. This is no ordinary one as it belongs to a Witch Hunter. Its huge size, machine guns, incredible velocity, and mightiness are something that can make the enemy think twice before moving towards Gundam Lfrith Ur. The darkness and power hidden in it are gravely dangerous.

Gundam Lfrith Ur - Gundam: The Witch From Mercury
Do you care to check which Mobile Suit Gundam The Witch From Mercury character are you? Roll into the Mobile Suit Gundam The Witch From Mercury Quiz!
Beguir Beu
Beguir Beu wasn’t always perfect and mighty but after a minor upgradation, it turned into the most powerful Gundam anyone could imagine. It was an idea of Shaddiq’s father, Sarius Zenelli and he wanted to see Aerial fail forever. His wish, however, wasn’t easy to come true as Aerial is something miraculous.

Beguir Beu - Gundam: The Witch From Mercury
Yes, of course, we are now eagerly waiting to see your score of the Gundam: The Witch from Mercury Trivia Quiz. Not only is this to reveal how well you know Gundam: The Witch from Mercury but also if you are a true fan or not.