Goblin Slayer Quiz – Which Goblin Slayer Character Are You?

Which Goblin Slayer Character Are You Quiz

Do you really know which Goblin Slayer character are you? Wanna find out? Take the most accurate “Goblin Slayer Quiz" and try it out.


Hmm, so you are trying to find out if season 2 of Goblin Slayer would be as cool and exciting as the first one was? Well, to be honest, we don’t want to spoil the story for you at all. However, here is a little bit to help you build your interest. Goblin Slayer won the last battle after killing one of the most important goblin leaders. Nonetheless, no one should believe that the threat of this evil would perish that soon. Now, the goblins are back with much more force, power, and number; the challenges won’t be this facile to handle. What is your idea? Yeah, we know that there are many others with Goblin Slayer like Priestess, Cow Girl, High Elf Archer, and others. Still, battling the ones who already have control over lands and have tyrannized the lands is the hardest. Plus, people now claim Goblin Slayer as their hero, but would he manage to be one in this season too?

Goblin Slayer Quiz

Goblin Slayer - White Fox


As long as you trust our instincts and do not mind hardcore action, Goblin Slayer seasons one and two both are a good watch. We have said this because some people find eradicating a particular race (in this case Goblins) deeply worrying. But, why care when Goblins are really the villains, they are going to take over the world and rule it. But, to stop them from doing this, Goblin Slayer has emerged and has vowed to free the planet from them. No one knows how he’s going to do it but we all have firm faith in him.


Although there are loads of things that have to be revealed in this anime but the biggest secret is Goblin Slayer’s face and identity. What do we know about him? His body behind the armor? His face? His background? His reason behind being the enemy of goblins? Nothing at all! Well, some of the viewers believe that he is a goblin himself who has been wronged in the past. This is why he is taking revenge against his own people. But, this is only a speculation of some of them about which no one is sure. Watch season 2 as it might have answers to all these questions.

Enter the Atelier Ryza Ever Darkness & The Secret Hideout Quiz! Unveil which Atelier Ryza Ever Darkness & The Secret Hideout character are you.


Which Goblin Slayer Character Are You

Goblin Slayer Characters - White Fox

Goblin Slayer

Like that laid-back friend who never reacts negatively to drama, you are the same. You keep your composure and don't let outside influences or your emotions get in the way of how you manage situations. Just like Goblin Slayer, when you set your mind to something, you invest all into it. Your decisions are made by your resolve, which you’ve earned. Plus, you may not be a huge fan of following social norms, just like Goblin Slayer.

Usually, you find your objective or aim more fascinating than abiding by all those elaborate social conventions. When others are loving and affectionate towards you, you are so focused on your purpose that you fail to see it. But hey, that makes life challenging because we're all unique! Your understanding of what you stand for is crystal clear.

Goblin Slayer

Goblin Slayer - Goblin Slayer


You might experience some social anxiety when meeting new people, like Priestess so relax. You're sensitive and prone to feeling emotional or a little apprehensive, especially when times are difficult. Like Priestess who utilizes her miracles to heal wounds and protect her friends with magical barriers, you sincerely care about the people around you. But, you have a strong side too even though you are sentimental.

You are capable of standing up for yourself when necessary and handling trying circumstances. Tears are your method of expressing how you truly feel, so it's not a terrible thing. Your tears are a sincere manifestation of your feelings, whether they are caused by empathy, annoyance, or stress. It's okay; not everyone is adept at handling difficult circumstances.


Priestess - Goblin Slayer

High Elf Archer

Your worldview has been shaped by what you've experienced and learned throughout the years. You have your own talents that make you outstanding in a certain field, much alike the archery skills of a High Elf Archer. Like she is with her bow, you excel in anything you do. Your fiery personality is comparable to High Elf Archer's.

When something irritates you, you're not afraid to express your feelings and are fast to do so. You express yourself fully and wear your emotions on your sleeve. That may imply that when you are truly invested in a subject, you argue passionately. Additionally, you don't mix well with alcohol (Hahaha), just like High Elf Archer.

High Elf Archer

High Elf Archer - Goblin Slayer

Sword Maiden

You're a nice and lazy person who is constantly willing to understand people with patience. You might have similar hidden difficulties and emotions like Sword Maiden. Your life experiences aren't constantly on display for people. Like Sword Maiden, who developed a dread of goblins as a result of her captivity, you still harbor certain deep-seated phobias and traumatic memories. Your life is still affected by these emotions.

We can see that you occasionally experience moments where you behave excitably and animatedly, much like a child. But you soon return to your more responsible and serious side. Since others might not fully understand what you're going through, it can be difficult for you to seek assistance with your anxieties.

Sword Maiden

Sword Maiden - Goblin Slayer


Until you answer the “Goblin Slayer Character Quiz” we won’t know if you are with the Goblins or against them. Let your true self be unveiled with the quiz so you know which Goblin Slayer character are you most like. By the way, if you turn out to be supporting the Goblins after the quiz, then you should definitely beware of Goblin Slayer and his team.