Berserk Of Gluttony Quiz – Which Character Are You?

Which Berserk Of Gluttony Character Are You Quiz

Head for the Berserk of Gluttony Quiz as you have to find out which Berserk of Gluttony character are you. It’s going to be amazing!


So, you wanna know if Berserk of Gluttony would match your taste or not? Well, if you like loads of action, suspense, first-sight love, building characters, and stapled thrill then count this anime for yourself. The animation has been done up to the mark while the peculiarity-check brought no issues forward. The best part is, Berserk of Gluttony has only 12 episodes so it’s not going to require much of your time. It’s a small package with lots of surprises.

Berserk Of Gluttony Quiz

Berserk Of Gluttony - A.C.G.T


You got that right! Berserk of Gluttony anime is based on a notorious manga series that is still touching the skies of fame. We have to agree that manga and anime have their own significance and if you are eager to read then go ahead. You can check out Amazon and Barnes & Noble for hard copies and Comixology, BookWalker, etc to read it digitally. It’s a good pick!


There is someone who never settles no matter how much he has had! Do you know who is it Berserk Of Gluttony anime? It’s Fate Graphite. People think he has no good skill and since he is from an ordinary family, no one really gives him attention. But, hardly anyone has found out that Fate is under the effect of a curse. That curse has given him something good and bad too. Fate is unable to stop himself from killing people, he wants their souls. The point is, why, what happens when he gets them?

Fate has been in the effect of Gluttony in which he needs more souls which can give him power and make him the mightiest. Yes, everyone he defeats and kills with his swords gives him strength and he has zero control over it. In order to survive, Fate kills his foes, but how many are there? Then, he meets Roxy who really alters the way he thinks and observes. It is near that Fate will find a path on which he’ll meet different people and seek further truth about himself, his power, and his family too.


Which Character Are You

Berserk Of Gluttony Characters - A.C.G.T

Fate Graphite

Although the past has not been without its challenges, you have met people who genuinely care about you, just as fate did with Roxy. You value loyalty greatly, and you are always there for people who encourage and accept you. Your generosity is evident, and you're all about giving people another chance once they've made positive changes.

It's a good quality that you have compassion in your heart. You're like a superhero when it comes to defending the people you love. No matter how difficult the circumstances are, you'll go above and beyond to achieve your goals. You sometimes lose your control over yourself and things but you get back stronger. You may have experienced rejection or difficult circumstances in the past, much like Fate did, but you let it all go.

Fate Graphite

Fate Graphite - Berserk Of Gluttony

Roxy Hart

Your goodness attracts others to you like a magnet and you have a great love for your family and friends. You are really practical and show everyone respect. Hence, are the kind of person who is happy to help out or simply be a terrific friend. You have such a warm and inviting personality that people can't help but like and trust you.

In addition, you're an exceptionally skilled worker. People are aware of your dependability and capability. Their faith in you regarding key matters stems from this. Just like Roxy, you may have had a sensitive side in the past. It serves as a reminder that humans are subject to change and growth.

Roxy Hart

Roxy Hart - Berserk Of Gluttony

Check out Summoned to Another World for a Second Time Quiz. Discover which Summoned to Another World for a Second Time character are you.


You and Myne both have a strong sense of determination and never give up. One pursues their desires with all of their strength. Very positively, you have the style of a bulldog with a bone! You adore money, oh! Making money is all that matters to you, therefore you're not bashful about it. You constantly seek methods to add more money to your piggy bank; you're like a magnet for money.

Plus, you're different and command attention in terms of appearance. You have a feral side to you. Without holding back, you express your thoughts. You possess the intensity and vitality of a good firecracker. The surprise is that, especially when it comes to your friends, you're really a softie at heart.


Myne - Berserk Of Gluttony

Eris Seifort

Woah, you have intelligence too, so you're not simply a lovely face! As a result of your ambition and determination, you don't hesitate to pursue your goals wholeheartedly. Similar to Eris' desire to rule her realm, you are the type of person who likes to be in control and bring about change. It's not like you're just talking. We are impressed by your intellect. You are astute and capable of taking on obstacles head-on, you are.

You have a strong sense of competition and perseverance. We can see that you are a force to be reckoned with when someone attempts to get in your way, much like Eris. You are the one who can encourage and counsel others. You probably have some go-getter traits if you recognize a little bit of Eris Seifort in yourself.

Eris Seifort

Eris Seifort - Berserk Of Gluttony


Yes, we mean it! With the Berserk Of Gluttony Character Quiz, you can look for your new self. It would obviously be a little similar but a little different from yours. However, as you’d see which Berserk Of Gluttony character are you most like, you would notice yourself distinctly. Are you ready for this kind of exploration? If yes then Good Luck…