Which Beast Tamer Character Are You Quiz
Reveal your specie in the tale by finding out which Beast Tamer character are you. The Ultimate Beast Tamer Quiz can help you in the new world.
The plot of this anime is very distinct from what we usually receive from animes. Apparently, it might just seem like another boy on an adventure but Rein and his mates aren’t just those. The storyline reflects how every human varies from others and is capable of wonders. Separately, a human is awesome but united, they turn into something that is invincible.

Beast Tamer - EMT Squared
Rein is a little boy who has the dream which is to be a hero. To our surprise, no one thinks he can be. The reason is the trivial power that he holds. Rein can only talk to animals and to everyone’s belief this is something that cannot make a man a hero. In despair, Rein sets to be out of the place and find something that can make him worthy of being a hero. On his journey, he first meets Kanade who is from the Cat Tribe. It was hard to tame her but thanks to his powers, Rein manages to do so. Kanade wants to explore the world and so does Rein. Having similar needs, both a contract so that they remain faithful. But, something happens that both of them didn’t have any idea about. Rein gained some of the powers of Kanade. This brings a new twist to the story of Beast Tamer. If you also need a new twist in your life then look into what Beast Tamer character are you.
Stop! Before entering the Beast Tamer Character Quiz scroll down to check out the best characters in Beast Tamer anime. See if you turn out to be one of the favorites or not!

Beast Tamer Characters - EMT Squared
Rein Shroud
Rein’s character has many symbolic elements in it. You must have realized by now that until you get along with others, it is hard to achieve. Rein had no such powers initially and could only talk to animals. This power and a few weak fireballs weren’t enough to make him a hero. Until you experience and come in contact with the outer world, your skills aren’t enough. Rein realizes this with his exceptional observational skills. Hence, he begins forming a team in which he makes contracts with the mightiest races on the planet. Rein desires to be a hero and the one who is the sturdiest of all.
Your eyes reflect your determination and love to achieve everything. It’s hard for you to just sit and watch. You are designed to work and act (naturally).

Rein Shroud - Beast Tamer
Kanade may seem like just an ordinary girl but she is more than that! Her race is one of the most powerful on the ground. Being of Cat Tribe, Kanade has to be careful about who she trusts with her life. Fortunately, Kanade meets Rein and makes a contract with him. This power-sharing may benefit Rein more but Kanade also finds a mate with whom she can explore. Her power and might are unexplainable and allow her to be the most powerful in the battleground.
You are eager to see the whole world; however, a million things stop you from doing that. You are stuffed with responsibilities but still, make sure you take out some time for yourself.

Kanade - Beast Tamer
Tania is more like a fairy in the anime series as she has earned magic from her race. As a part of the Dragon race, Tania has the elements of pride, aggression, and anxiousness. Still, her heart bears no ill will for anyone. Tania might turn a little obnoxious and weird in some situations but she isn’t pessimistic in nature. Sharing her powers with Rein makes Tania feel at ease. She always wished for someone with whom she could share everything and probably it is Rein.
Does your brain ever stop working or do you keep it running on a treadmill? We don’t see that it ever halts. Anyhow, don’t overstress yourself thinking about the future. Just enjoy life!

Tania - Beast Tamer
Nina was once a goddess, a deity whom people worshipped. Belonging to the race of god, Nina is a noble female and there are hardly any people who can match her status. Nonetheless, the worst happened and she was captivated as a slave. Far from her home, no one realizes the power of Nina as she appears to be a mere slave. She has been made to wear a collar that neutralizes all powers that she has. Rein found and freed her. Obviously, for saving her life, Nina makes the contract with him and allows him to have her power of materializing.
You take too much stress and do not let yourself be open to new experiences. This habit of yours is engulfing so much of you. Don’t let the fuss of life hold you back.

Nina - Beast Tamer
If you were in place of Rein and had to choose one character with who you’d like to have a relationship then who’d be? Instead of thinking that much, pick the easy way. Figure out which Beast Tamer character would date you with the best Beast Tamer Date Quiz.
If you are looking for a dose of fun then the To Your Eternity Quiz can provide you that. Check which To Your Eternity character are you with accuracy!
Just close your eyes for a moment and begin to think of being in place of Rein. Whose powers would you prefer to have Nina, Sora, Luna, Stella, or Tania, or do you have eyes on something else? All of the powers seem so awesome that it gets hard to decide. Why don’t you try the Beast Tamer Kin Quiz like everyone else? Hurry up and get to know which Beast Tamer character do you kin.
Get a rich dose of fun and get to know which Beast Tamer character are you most like. We know you are a big fan of this anime, so hold your heart while answering the Beast Tamer Personality Quiz!