Which Popular Manga Is Best For You Quiz
There are thousands of mangas in this world but the question is “Which manga should be next on your reading list?” If you are eager to find out then ask the updated and 100% authentic Which Manga Should I Read Quiz.
Before you enter the What Manga Should I Read Test, there are many things you must be aware of in the world of manga. There are many types of mangas that are for different age groups and minds. And, our target is to help you find the best manga for you so first, let’s get to know everything about the manga world.
Just like English novels and storybooks, Japanese culture includes comics in the Japanese language which have a graphical representation of the scenes that take place. These novels are lengthy and concise according to their story and style. They have been publishing since the 19th Century and have become popular all around the world. Hence, are now available in many languages and many young and adults are found reading them.
There are five main types of mangas in the world. Get to know them!
These mangas are intended for children less than 10 years. They contain stories that are imaginative, light, and have no aggression at all. The words and style of kodomomuke mangas are simple so that children can easily understand and learn from them. Basically, these mangas are to help in nurturing their innocent minds in the right way.
Josei is a type of manga that is mainly designed by keeping female audiences in mind. These mangas are special in many ways because girls of 18+ enjoy the Josei genre. There are many topics inculcated in this genre that girls like, for instance, some sensitive objects for getting them aware of the realistic world, sexuality, relationships, etc. Josei mangas are exciting to read and everyone loves them.
Shojo mangas are created for girls and are for teen females. They are all about love and romance and this is why girls love it. The love stories in the shojo genre are epic love triangles that can be exhilarating.
Since the above two types are for females so why not consider a genre that is particularly made for boys. These mangas involve wars, fights, and combats with monsters, aliens, and villains. They portray imaginative stories which are hardcore and full of mass murders and this is why females aren’t really into it while males love it.
Shonen is for all as they are invigorating and very intriguing because of the action and drama involved in it. They include romance, comedy, and arch enemies, and hence are all in one pack. This is why shonen are for girls and boys both.
Get to know the “Four Best Mangas” in the world and why everyone is dying to read them.
Berserk is full of darkness and battles. This seinen is a story about a guy named Guts who is lost in the world because he was betrayed by his own sensei and he couldn’t figure out who else to trust again in this world. All the ones who love action and dark fantasy are obsessed with Berserk because fate kept testing life of Gut until he turns into a mortal enemy who doesn’t wish to love or be loved and now, his life is all about revenge.
One Piece
We had to put One Piece on top of the list because it has made history by becoming the most-selling manga of all time. Can you believe that over 470 million copies of the manga have been released and it is read in about 40 countries of the world! You must be aware of the main character of One Piece who is a pirate named Monkey D. Luffy and all he wishes is to reach “One Piece” which is an extraordinary treasure behind the lines that no one could ever cross. But, Luffy thinks he can do it with the powers of Devil Fruits and his loyal friends. It is a Shonen and so is very ideal for every age and it is a full source of fun which has friendship, love, charm, and excitement in it.
Sakamoto Days
Next on the list is Sakamoto Days again a shonen but what can be done, everyone loves them! The plus point of this manga is that it is a light novel and it has many things which have gained it this much popularity. The excitement of watching a middle school boy turning into a hitman and then leaving it for the sake of love is what can’t be explained in any way and only the ones who have read about the life of Taro Sakamoto know it.
Don't forget to take the Sakamoto Days Quiz because only this can claim which Sakamoto Days character are you!
Spy×Family has come into the manga world more like a bomb because every manga fan has read it already and more than welcomes every new volume. After all the love tangle between Loid Forger and Yor Forger and their sweet moments that are spent with their adopted daughter Anya Forger. While Loid is on the mission to get information about the most important person in Japan, his wife Yor is an assassin while their daughter Anya has telepathic powers and can read the minds of others. She wants her family to be together forever but how far can she take things! Read it yourself!
Mangas are more intriguing than any other thing in the world and this is the reason why you are also attracted to them. This is why you need the Which Manga Should I Read Trivia that would reveal the name you’ve been waiting to know. So, are you excited to check which popular manga is best for you? We can see you smiling!!!