Uncle From Another World Quiz – Which UFAW Character Are You?

Which Uncle From Another World Character Are You Quiz

Relish the Ultimate Uncle From Another World Quiz with all. Every fan should know which Uncle From Another World character are you.


We all have seen different kinds of pairing in animes. For instance, romantic hero and heroine, siblings, two or more friends, family, etc. However, Uncle From Another World anime has a very diverse kind of story which leads it to every heart. The tale doesn’t revolve around lovers or two or youngsters fighting any aliens. The story begins with Yosuke who has been sleeping peacefully in comatose for the last 17 years. So much has altered since then and the one who cares about him the most is his nephew (brother’s son) Takafumi. But, all of a sudden, Uncle Yosuke has awakened and turns to blabber in a language that is illegible. Upon coming to his senses again, Yosuke claims to his nephew that he was in another world during the coma.

Uncle From Another World Quiz

Uncle From Another World - Netflix

Of course, nobody was ready to believe but what Yosuke attempts turns out unexplainable. He uses his magical abilities and everyone remains in awe. Takafumi couldn’t believe his eyes but is eager to know the details. Uncle begins to share that he was living his life in a world called Gran Bahamal. There, everyone had various magical abilities and so did Yosuke. But, he had a very lowly life as everyone in that world believed he was an orc. You know, his looks were pretty unnerving. Now that, he is back, in reality, everything is completely different. He is learning about the present from Takafumi while his nephew is curious to know about his uncle’s past. Watch Uncle From Another World but don’t forget to check which Uncle From Another World character are you most like!


Which UFAW Character Are You

Uncle From Another World Characters - Netflix

Takafumi Takaoka

Takafumi Takaoka has not had a very ideal childhood as his parents kept on arguing. The major bone of contention between them was Yōsuke who was in a coma for years. In order to avoid all the drama Takafumi cared for his uncle who couldn’t even blink. Having a kind heart the boy never detested him. His life was filled with amusement when Yosuke showed all his virtues to him. Well, the teenager, just like you wants some action and adventure in his life.

Weren’t you thinking what Uncle From Another World character are you? We have sensed similarities between you and Takafumi. You are zealous and want something that can connect you with the real colors of life. You are tired of all the gloominess around and so some action wouldn’t harm, right?

Takafumi Takaoka

Takafumi Takaoka - Uncle From Another World

Yōsuke Shibazaki

Yōsuke Shibazaki is an absolutely amazing human who has a different way of approaching life. We all are fascinated to see how he traveled to another world and lived there with all the magic for 17 long years. However, it wasn’t easy on him. Yosuke wasn’t very welcomed in the new world and since everybody thought he was an orc so they maintained distance. Now, after the comatose, Yosuke can’t fit in the new world. All of these sudden changes have made him more than what we say uncomfortable.

You, on the other hand, are also not very good with certain changes in life. It takes you some time to settle in a new place or with unknown people. That’s okay because you really try to best to fit in.

Yōsuke Shibazaki

Yōsuke Shibazaki - Uncle From Another World

Track your place in the anime Drifting Home with the Ultimate and viral Drifting Home Quiz. It is simply awesome!

Sumika Fujimiya

Sumika and Takafumi have been friends since they were children. A little gap in their life hasn’t affected them much. Sumika really likes Takafumi but to our surprise, the boy knows nothing and neither gets the idea. Initially, Sumika is shown as a hot-headed girl who has also bullied Takafumi during childhood. But now, she has changed, the girl now has a very interesting kind of personality and really cares for the boy. The addition of Yosuke in her life actually makes things pretty interesting for Sumika.

We can feel that you are simply unstoppable and people who try to keep you from your things are idiots. You know exactly how to sculpt matters as per your choice.

Sumika Fujimiya

Sumika Fujimiya - Uncle From Another World

Tsundere Elf

Do you know the real name of Tsundere Elf? It’s Suzailgiererzegalnelvzegilreagranzelga Elga! Quite big, right? Apart from the name, our elf is mighty and keeps her feelings to herself. Still, we won’t say that she’s totally an introvert. Tsundere knows Yosuke from the point when entered the new world. Everyone thought he was an orc and a threat too but she had an idea about his reality. Being with Yosuke is adventurous for Tsundere as she gets novel experiences in life.

You aren’t a human who easily gets in control of someone. For you, making your own decisions and leading is important in order to flaunt your capabilities. You aren’t very talkative but when you do, the words are inspiring.

Tsundere Elf

Tsundere Elf - Uncle From Another World


If you are guessing “Which Uncle From Another World character would date you?” then you don’t have to. Why not pick the easier road to it which is the Uncle From Another World Date Quiz! Find the result in less than 3 minutes!


There is more if you are eager! Get to reveal which Uncle From Another World character do you kin with the “Uncle From Another World Kin Quiz”. The quiz has been designed to find a bestie for you. The one who’d never betray or leave you under any circumstances.


Hang on to yourself as you might just be in another world like Yosuke. Get ready, anything can happen in the Uncle From Another World Personality Quiz. Do you know what’d be the most exciting part? The way you’ll absorb the result in your personality! We want to see you at that moment so hurry up.