The Ice Guy And His Cool Female Colleague Quiz – Which TIGAHCFC Character Are You?

Which The Ice Guy And His Cool Female Colleague Character Are You Quiz

Ultimate The Ice Guy And His Cool Female Colleague Quiz await you. Check which The Ice Guy And His Cool Female Colleague character are you!


The Ice Guy And His Cool Female Colleague is the freshest anime in 2023 as it dropped on January 4, 2023. Have you read the manga of this series? Yes, The Ice Guy And His Cool Female Colleague has been adapted from manga series. The reviews have been so far impressive and fans are loving the shy love approach of the main protagonist. Their world is not the same as that of ours. Humans (only) who have the sacred blood of mighty ancestors carry their powers and lineage. Among them, one is Himuro Kun and he bears the snow spirit thanks to his ancestors who were in reality snow spirits. The weather begins to change when Himuro brings snow with his emotional outburst and sight a beautiful girl named Fuyutsuki.

The Ice Guy And His Cool Female Colleague Quiz

The Ice Guy And His Cool Female Colleague - Zero-G

The two never crossed paths and at that very moment, they had an electrifying feeling amidst the situation. The most astonishing part occurs when they both meet again and Fuyutsuki finds out that Himuro has been newly hired. They begin to feel comfortable in each other’s presence but Himuro turns out to be very open with his feelings. Whenever he is nervous, happy, sad, or flustered than he unintentionally summons a blizzard, snowfall, or in extreme circumstances freezes everyone around him. To our surprise, it is revealed that Himuro can’t persist heat. During the heat stroke, he faints and it is revealed that Fuyutsuki cares for him. She tries with the most trivial efforts like offering him ice cream.

Each emotion has a new effect on Himuro but he is trying his level best to win Fuyutsuki’s heart. Do you think you could have done better? You better find out what The Ice Guy And His Cool Female Colleague character are you before you claim.


Which TIGAHCFC Character Are You

The Ice Guy And His Cool Female Colleague Characters - Zero-G

Himuro Kun

Who in the world would have the heart to resist Himuro? He is the cutest guy and more like you is ruled by his heart. You are really an open book and your emotions reflect on your face.

Himuro is such a good-looking guy with grey frosty hair, a pale complexion, and a stark personality. He really doesn’t give off much from his face and if it wouldn’t have been for his powers then we’d never have a clue. It’s such a cute gesture when he tries to hide his emotions from everybody and attempts to hold the blizzard and snow which are the reaction of his feelings. However, the cutest part was when Himuro begins to melt just because of the caused by his blushing!

Himuro Kun

Himuro Kun - The Ice Guy And His Cool Female Colleague

Fuyutsuki San

You are so calm and collected in nature. It is so evident that you want your happy place in life and yet you fill incomplete and hollow. It’s a void that can only be filled with love and support. Search for love and we know you’ll succeed.

Fuyutsuki is an angelic beauty it is hard to take eyes off her. People say that Fuyutsuki has changed in all those years and she is quieter in personality but it seems like she wasn’t like this in the past. Since meeting Himuro, Fuyutsuki has changed completely and she can feel cherished. Plus, the ways in which Himuro is different actually excite her and she willingly cares for him.

Fuyutsuki San

Fuyutsuki San - The Ice Guy And His Cool Female Colleague

Komori San

We can sense that you are more like Komori and you prefer sighting the dramas of life from afar. Indeed, you have eyes everywhere to make sure nothing goes under the carpet without you getting to know. Your life is one because you mostly take every matter in a fun way. Look, keep on following this approach but don’t fall for anything that might trap you. Well, you know, a lot of drama in others’ life can take you under the impression too.

Komori San

Komori San - The Ice Guy And His Cool Female Colleague

Saejima Kun

You are a positive human in nature and it is clear that you don’t want to be helpful to everyone around. It is indeed a part of your personality that you want the best for everyone yet people misunderstand you. They don’t really know you much and we don’t think that there is any need to explain too. Just live your life and leave those behind who are more like unnecessary baggage for you.

Saejima Kun

Saejima Kun - The Ice Guy And His Cool Female Colleague

Believably, a weather-check is required but it would be different this time! Find out which Summer Time Rendering character would date you with one click only!


We can feel that you are in need to have a new friend in life. Why not ask The Ice Guy And His Cool Female Colleague Kin Quiz which The Ice Guy And His Cool Female Colleague character do you kin? This is about to be much more than you think!


Go on and take your chance. Who knows which The Ice Guy And His Cool Female Colleague character would date you? It can be Otonashi, Katori, Yukimin, Fuyutsuki, Himuro, or anyone else. Let The Ice Guy And His Cool Female Colleague Date Quiz decide your partner.


Here you go! 100% accurate The Ice Guy And His Cool Female Colleague Quiz is ready to roll your life to an exciting point. Are you ready to know which The Ice Guy And His Cool Female Colleague character are you most like? Hold on, you’ll soon be transported to a world where humans are not like the ones here.