Miss KUROITSU From The Monster Development Department Quiz

Which Miss KUROITSU From The Monster Development Department Character Are You Quiz

Tired of all-day work? Hit the Miss KUROITSU From The Monster Development Quiz and reveal which character are you in this amazing anime.


Usually, the anime world focuses on stories that help us know superheroes who save the world. However, for probably the first time, we get to see Agastia. This very organization “Agastia” might remind of Gru and Minions or the Megamind. But, of course, the evil world is quite enormous. Anyhow, getting back on track, Agastia, to the world is an organization that works to maintain smiles on the faces of people. It has been registered as an entertainment company that finds ways to thrill people. However, under all this false cover is the real Agastia company that creates androids that can fight superheroes. Since the superheroes would die and won’t be able to protect people, Agastia would dominate the world the way it wants.

Miss KUROITSU From The Monster Development Quiz

Miss KUROITSU From The Monster Development Department - Quad

Let’s dive under the shadows of Agastia! There works a girl who diligently does her job without much breaks, enough sleep, or any vacations. Yes, this super-wonderful-and-workaholic girl is none other than Miss Kuroitsu. She is the one who presents any prototype or finished work to the board of directors of Agastia. After hectic paperwork, studying, and discussion Kuroitsu is able to come up with one presentation. Her work is mentally pretty exhausting but still, Kuroitsu tries her best to come up with something that can beat Divine Swordsman Blader.

One after the other, the proposals are rejected by the seniors. Obviously, this is pretty agonizing but behind all this Kuroitsu is giving help to prepare something that would end Divine Swordsman Blader. Their anti-hero “Wolf Bete” seems perfect but what to do with the stupid and idiotic demands of the board members? The villain who should have been deadly, menacing, and powerful like a wolf has to be altered. In order to be cute, Wolf Bete is given the body of a voluptuous and cute female, though the setting is of a male.

What do you think would be the repercussions? Would Miss Kuroitsu be able to present and satisfy everyone with Wolf Bete? Only the complete story of Miss KUROITSU From The Monster Development Department can confirm this!


Which Miss KUROITSU From The Monster Development Department Character Are You Quiz

Miss KUROITSU From The Monster Development Department Characters - Quad

Wolf Bete

You really don’t get to the root of things fast but try your best. Yeah, we know you’re not the smarty pants but are one skilled human.

Wolf Bete is an android who has no idea what to do other than fight the heroes. Obviously, Kuroitsu has invested a huge amount of time with the team. Consequently, Wolf Bete does have slight emotions and feelings in her. It won’t be wrong if we say that she is trained to judge rights and wrongs. But, Wolf Bete lives in a world of confusion as she was programmed to be a fierce and combative male android. Since she is now a female, it only adds up to the mind-blowing confusion.

Wolf Bete

Wolf Bete - Miss KUROITSU From The Monster Development Department

Doctor Hajime Sadamaki

Life is perfect until it is easy on you. In the other way round, you don’t like to face whole loads of tension and stress. You prefer living on your rules and living a simple and straightforward life.

The great Doctor Hajime Sadamaki is respected at Agastia thanks to his splendid work. He has added so much to the company but wishes to be the one who can vanquish Divine Swordsman Blader. To do this, he works with Kuroitsu but of course, Hajime cannot match the energy. He is a bit procrastinating or at times too energetic to be controlled. Hajime’s team with Kuroitsu is fun to watch. His visors, early conclusions, and curiosity make him more humorous.

Doctor Hajime Sadamaki

Doctor Hajime Sadamaki - Miss KUROITSU From The Monster Development Department

Toka Kuroitsu

No idea why, but things around you are usually messed up. No doubt in the fact that you try your best to cope and direct them the right way.

It truly is hard to be at the place of Kuroitsu. The girl is always packed with work thanks to her designation as Agastia's Monster Development Department’s assistant. The girl has to make sure everything she says touches the brain of superior board members and they say yes. The daily rejection never disappoints Toka as she always comes up with great plans and enthusiasm. And of course, the girl feels like erupting like lava when most of her intelligent ideas are rejected for the sake of nonsense. Toka’s resilience knows no boundaries.

Toka Kuroitsu

Toka Kuroitsu - Miss KUROITSU From The Monster Development Department


You are someone who likes things that are a little spiced up. For you, some devilish pranks, haughty tricks, and jokes are part of every plan.

Megistus is the chief of Agastia and is always ready to do whatever is possible to make the company successful. The guy works day and night rigorously and is often seen hell as busy. Megistus’ is a bit devilish looking and his company does well to compete for the good in the world. But after all the evil in him, we all are literally fond of Megistus. And, we are sure you admire the answer to what Miss KUROITSU From The Monster Development Department character are you!


Megistus - Miss KUROITSU From The Monster Development Department

Miss Kobayashi's Dragon Maid Quiz is another hit by WeebQuiz website. Don't forget to try!


Mull over the prospect of finding a partner in this very anime! To check which Miss KUROITSU From The Monster Development Department character would date you there’s nothing much needed. The 15 personality-related questions of Miss KUROITSU From The Monster Development Department Date Quiz is everything you need.


Think about the option of entering the world of villains and superheroes. Are you eager to evaluate which Miss KUROITSU From The Monster Development Department character do you kin? Great, Miss KUROITSU From The Monster Development Department Kin Quiz is also ready to reveal the answer. No need to wait, just find the answer by clicking on START.


Yes, you can land in Agastia company with one simple trick. Just confirm which Miss KUROITSU From The Monster Development Department character are you most like and you can head to the Ultimate Miss KUROITSU From The Monster Development Department Quiz. Don’t miss such an evil chance to be with the team anti-hero.