Which Exception Character Are You Quiz
Move to other parts of the galaxy to settle. But first, ask the Exception Quiz about which Exception character are you. Only after that, you can travel!
We all know that sooner or later, humans would descend to other parts of the galaxy. The day would definitely come when humans would settle on other planets and stars. Don’t you agree? There are several animes, movies, and series on this single topic. We can perceive what it would be like but what about the detailed experience? If you really wish to venture into what would life be like in space then you must watch Exception! This anime has blown the minds who love space and are dying to live there.
Season 1 of Exception aired on Netflix on October 13, 2022. Containing 8 episodes, the story seeming reached the culmination and if we are to predict then it can survive without any other seasons. Netflix actually plans to renew the content only if they reach a certain limit of profit. In other case, it’s a goodbye from their side. So, nothing can be predicted with surety because we never know if the company thinks to reinvent the project after a year or so. For now, Netflix has no official confirmation about new seasons.
The story of Exception is set in space. Humans need to evacuate the earth due to several reasons. The biggest question is, where would billions of humans live if not on earth? In order to search for a better and prospering land, the crew of specialists leaves earth. However, their mission is something very unusual. The crew themselves wouldn’t be a part of the mission physically. They all are in sort of incubator cubicles, sleeping. Their body doubles have been printed in 3D and they would be the ones doing the job. The actual bodies in the cryo chambers run their doubles with their mind, just like in Avatar. The 3D-printed doubles are fabulous in their work as they are an amalgamation of artificial and human intelligence both.
The doubles have the job to explore and create the environment in which humans can survive. Until that is done, the cryo chambers would remain sealed. But, no one expected that one incident would disrupt their years-long planning. The print of one of the crew members Lewis goes wrong. No one expected what a wrong print would do. At first, the problem was assessed and other crew members decided to end the former print and create a new one. That way, the speed of work wouldn’t be affected at all. This decision causes Lewis’ wrong print to see that humans have no regard for life and existence. With revenge in mind, this double turns into a mysterious devil. He would not let any human survive in space as they aren’t worthy! Watch Exception to know which side wins…
You are a simple person who only focuses on work and influential matters, nothing else. The way your mind works is different because you prefer to employ your energy in useful matters. Apart from that, your positivity is what helps you rise higher than the people around you. Obviously, you have your certain priorities but that doesn’t mean that you should overlook anything that might turn over the events afterward. Just beware of who you allow in your life, other than that, everything’s good.
Just like Mack, you are instantly gripped by action and thrill. You actually hate anything that brings boredom with itself. After all, life is only granted once and you shouldn’t let any chance go in vain. Whatever you have in your heart, strive for it. Do not let any of your wishes blow out with a sigh. Bring up your energy and rule your life again or else others would take over. Do you want that to happen? Probably not!
You are strong, learned, and the one who tries not to repeat mistakes. People around you might find it hard to understand your logic. But, why bother explaining to others? Just keep on walking on your path like always. Ignore foes, make friends, live life, and do not let your gloominess engulf the light in you. These simple rules are there in your life and you try to profess them. Whatsoever, the striking troubles stray you. No worries, never forget where you belong. You were wondering what Exception character are you and now you know who you are!
Hey, not everything is fun, OR is it in your dictionary? Are you ever serious? Hmm, maybe what others say is right about you, but where’s the lesson when you don’t learn it yourself! Of course, everyone learns from mistakes and you have a long journey ahead. So, don’t let your morale down. If you step on the wrong stone then you’d be the one responsible to balance yourself. Remember never to lose hope!
In outer space, who can you trust with your life? Basically, the question is “Which Exception character do you kin?” If you don’t know the answer yet then let the Exception Kin Quiz get in command. Look out who it is!
Apart from all the fights and wars in space (just like earth) search for love as well. After all, how can one survive in space without a loving partner by side? The Exception Soulmate Quiz can reveal which Exception character would date you. In just 15 questions, see who you love.
Hey listen! Is Paranoia Agent your favorite anime? Check out which Paranoia Agent character are you with one click...
See if you can transform another place into a land that you can call home. Figure out which Exception character are you most like to know your cryo chamber and responsibilities. The path to it, the Exception Personality Quiz awaits you!