Disney Princes Quiz – Which Disney Prince Do You Look Like?

Which Disney Prince Am I Quiz

Doesn’t every girl dreams of having a boyfriend or husband who is just like one of the Disney Princes! If you are also looking for a way to find out “What Disney Prince are you?” in order to tell the girl you like that you are no less than a Disney Prince charming then we have a way. Take the Best Disney Prince Quiz as it is the most accurate Prince Charming Quiz you’ll find anywhere!

If you are eager to find out about the Disney Princes in you then you have to join us on the epic journey ahead…


Disney Princes Quiz

Disney's Best Princes

Look! Every girl wishes to date OR marry a prince and of course, there are few princes in this world and it is quite impossible for girls to have them. But, what if you show them that you are a prince as well. Our Disney Prince Personality Quiz has the power to answer every guy which Disney prince resembles your personality. Hence when you’d share your result with everyone then girls would directly be attracted to you.


Even if you are not a boy and don’t wish to be a prince (OF COURSE!) even then we know what you are here for. Aren’t you desperate to know which Disney prince would date you and which Disney prince is made for me? Take the quiz if you want to find out.


Whether you like it or not, every Disney prince has some specific qualities and if you want to be like one of them then you must have those in you. Let’s see how many can be counted in you!


Every Disney prince is rigorous and courageous. No one among them would ever step back and turn their backs. Due to their zealous attitude and undaunted faith in themselves, they are able to save the day and achieve their goals because of it.


We know what you are thinking but having some well-built triceps and biceps is necessary because you can’t save your princess from goons, monsters, and other villains without them! Not necessary that you turn into John Cena or She-Ra for that but at least workout and build a healthy structure.


Since you are about to turn into one of the Disney princes then remember, being royalty isn’t easy and you can’t live like a mess. A prince needs to be well-groomed which means properly dressed, morally splendid, kind, loving, and empathetic.

Love For Adventure

A Disney prince has to be an explorer because if you are willing to find your princess then you must leave the four walls and go out to find things that excite and thrill you. Nothing can be pulled off until you leave your comfort zone and follow your passion.

By the way, you can check Disney Princesses Quiz here!


If you are still unaware of the “Best and Most Handsome Disney Princes” then follow up as we have rated the top 4 Disney Princes for all fans.

Which Disney Prince Am I Quiz

Which Disney Prince Are You?

Prince Phillip

Philip is an energetic and sweet hero who comes from the story of Sleeping Beauty also known as Maleficent. This prince has been highlighted since the beginning as he was true to his heart and loved Aurora immensely. His affection was tested when there was no choice but to awake her with the kiss of the one who really loved her and Phillip succeeded. No doubt our Sleeping Beauty also loved her for his daring and attractive personality. Prince Phillip never let anything come between him and his love and even rejected the throne for her. He has no superpowers but his loyal heart is his biggest strength.


Maybe you are thinking that Aladdin isn’t a prince then why is he listed here! Well, he may not have blue blood but his loyalty toward his people, patriotism, faithfulness, and intelligence proved him as a great king. The heir to the throne, Princesses Jasmine fell in love with him because Aladdin wasn’t greedy like others. His decent personality won over his con background.

Aladdin was a trickster before he met Genie but he never was ravenous for money, he only wanted to meet the ends. Without much education, family, and a superior background Aladdin was able to acquire knowledge of life and implemented it for the betterment of all.

Li Chang

Li Chang is a famous Chinese hero in the world of Disney. He is not a prince but is still a great leader and a role model for every man. Throughout the movie, we can perceive that not only bravery is vital to winning a war but tactics and strategies play a more influential role.

Li Chang never thought he could reach the status of the General of the whole army as he was a mere soldier at first. However, his perseverance, sturdiness, leadership, and diligence brought the greatest changes in his life.

Kristoff Bjorgman

Kristoff’s character might not follow all the so-called rules for princes with his great bulgy body, comedic attitude, and not-so-classy features but we all still love him. He is an extremely sweet and determined guy who never stands back when it comes to supporting the love of his life Anna.

Though Kristoff hasn’t spent a very luxurious life and is very rough and tough as he lived in the mountains. If it wasn’t for his firmness then Anna would have never managed to find Elsa to save everyone. Kristoff is a competent fighter and it’s always fun to be around him.


Being a Disney prince is not at all easy and when you’ll know which Disney prince you kin then you’d get more familiar with your attributes, weaknesses, and your royal family as well. If you can’t wait any longer for the revelation then enter the Disney Prince Kin Quiz.


Aren’t you desperate to turn into a prince then hurry up and CLICK the Best Disney Prince Quiz to reveal which Disney Prince are you most like?